
Gabi is a 9-year-old female JRT, all white except for one brown ear.  She weighs a sturdy 13 pounds, and is a shorty.

Gabi, adopted from Jacks Galore back in 2018 was much loved and cared for, sadly one of the family members has since become quite ill and Gabi was confused as to what was happening in the home and was becoming fearful.  Returned to us, we welcomed this delightful little girl back.







We are enjoying her company in sanctuary with our other dogs and she is having a blast on her long walks and outdoor hunting time.

Gabi is a dominant female, and she gets along with other dogs, but we believe would be best as an only dog so that she can be the center of her person’s world.

A beautifully housetrained girl, clean and polite, she walks beautifully on leash, enjoys her walks and finds interesting things to sniff and chase while being a typical prowess on the hunt. High energy outside, she is a terrific smuggler and curls up for a good night’s sleep under the covers.  Gabi loves car rides and truly wants to be with her hooman as much as possible, her previous owners were retired.

Would someone give her that loving home she again deserves? A healthy, stellar jack, she can be the apple of your eye.

 Apply to Adopt Gabi